
Beira-Rio Stadium receives Perfil Sustentável Program’s trophy

Publicado em 19 de August de 2020

Beira-Rio Stadium is in the deregulated energy Market since the beginning of 2019 and, besides that, it is a part of Perfil Sustentável Program. The initiative counts greenhouse gases that are no longer emited, due to aquisition of renewable energy in the deregulated market. Last Thursday, August 13th, the Administration Vice-President of Internacional, Mr. Victor Grunberg, receveid Perfil Sustentável Program’s trophy. Besides that, he received Perfil Energia + Limpa Program’s certifed.

The trophy and the certified testify that the Club no longer emitted, between March and December of 2019, 325.463 ton of Carbon Dioxid (CO2). The award also testify Club’s engagement to make Beira-Rio a more sustainable place. The participation in the program fosters the use of renewable sources and energy efficiency.  Thus it’s importante to mention that migration from Regulated Energy Market to Deregulated Energy Market also resulted in cost reduction, besides  make possible the deadline and indexing negotiation.

Perfil Sustentável was developed speacially to Perfil Energia customers. Thus, the companies that use renewable energy sources receive Perfil Energia + Limpa certified annually. The certified is received by companies that stand out by reducing the emittion of greenhouse gases due to aquisiton of renewable energy in the deregulated energy Market. Besides that, the certified is a part of Perfil Sustentável Program which is developed by an independent consulting and that follows the internationally accepted methodology. Perfil Energia customers that consume energy in the deregulated market can freely be a part of the program.

INTERNACIONAL. Beira-Rio recebe prêmio de energia sustentável. Disponível em: Internaciona