Qualitative energy analysis
Through the installation of a sophisticated electric energy analyzer, it is possible to measure and analyze the behavior of the power grid and possible distortions of the ideal quality standard for the proper functioning of the electrical equipment. Ideal tool for:
This service is performed with an equipment that fully complies with ANEEL Resolution 505, which determines the compliance of the voltage levels of electric energy that must be followed by the power distributors, under penalty of financial compensation to the consumer.
Projects and execution of industrial and commercial electrical systems.
For certain consumption profiles, a privately owned energy substation has potential benefits, such as improved power quality as well as significant cost reductions compared to low voltage installations. Our company, in addition to the initial feasibility study and preparation of the necessary electrical projects, is responsible for all the negotiations and protocols with the local energy distributor.

Preventive maintenance of private substations with thermographic and chromatographic analysis
In order to maintain the private substations in perfect conditions of safety and operation, preventive maintenance, made at least annually, are essential.
Perfil Energia offers solutions for preventive maintenance of substations that combine the most advanced technology available and expertise of its professionals. A sophisticated thermal imaging equipment is used to identify the points that deserve more attention in the execution of the maintenance, while specialized laboratories perform chromatographic analysis of the insulating oil of the transformers.
Reactive power compensation
The advancement of technology and increase of nonlinear loads in electrical installations, makes the correction of power factor necessary in the vast majority of electrical systems.
Perfil Energia elaborates and executes projects of reactive power compensation, optimizing electrical circuits and improving the operational capability of installed loads.
Effect of reactive power compensation in electrical systems: