

Potentialize the economic advantage of migrating to the Deregulated Energy Market with your own generation.

Self-generation of energy in the Deregulated Contracting Environment is a way of expanding the domain of large consumers over energy input, mitigating risks related to price volatility in the Deregulated Energy Market. By generating part or all of its energy needs from renewable energy sources, the self-producer leverages the economic advantage related to the migration to the Deregulated Energy Market and has even more predictability of costs in this modality, being able to count on plants built next to its consumption point (contiguous self-generation) or in a different location (remote self-generation).

Decision making regarding the migration to the Deregulated Energy Market as a self-producer requires detailed technical and financial analyses, as it involves more responsibility on the part of the consumer and must be done with caution. The self-producer of energy must become a member of the Electric Energy Commercialization Chamber (CCEE), the entity responsible for accounting procedures for the purchase and sale of power, and must be represented as a consumer and also as a generator.

Perfil Energia is able to develop technical and economic feasibility studies for Self-generation in the Deregulated Energy Market and manage consumers and generators in the Deregulated Contracting Environment.