Perfil Sustentável

Tons of greenhouse gas that are no longer emitted to the atmosphere by our clients
Generation of value from environmental and sustainability marketing strategies.
In addition to obtaining an economic advantage due to cost reduction, companies that start to acquire electricity in the Deregulated energy market also contribute with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. The Program “Perfil Sustentável” was created specifically for Perfil Energia’s clients whose energy supply is done through renewable sources, called “special consumers” by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency. In order to provide recognition for the environmental and social contribution provided by the companies which are considered “special consumers”, Perfil Energia offers the opportunity for its clients to participate in the sustainability program “Perfil Sustentável”. Developed and managed by an independent audit and, following an internationally accepted methodology, the program aims to turn into numbers the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) regulated by the Kyoto Protocol that will no longer be emitted by the client, certifying them with the PERFIL Energia + Limpa Label.
All Perfil Energia customers that consume energy via the Deregulated Energy Market are authorized to join the Program “Perfil Sustentável” free of charge. Besides that, the use of the Program’s logo is free on any material associated with the institution and its brands, which results in generation of value from environmental and sustainability marketing strategies.